Is your work prematurely aging you… or worse?

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You may have heard about telomere research and related therapies for anti-aging. Telomeres are caps at the ends of our chromosomes that help prevent DNA damage. As we age, these caps get shorter and start to wear down, exposing risk for DNA damage. 

In “short”, telomere length is a proxy for biological aging – as you show physical signs of aging, your telomeres are becoming shorter and shorter and you are more susceptible to age-related diseases and cancer.

The fight to keep your telomeres long and strong is on! A healthy lifestyle with the right diet and exercise does help maintain telomere length, yet a key component is stress management.  

Chronic stress has been known to accelerate aging, and research has now even shown how increased workplace stress correlates to accelerated telomere shortening*. Another study discovered a link between burnout and mortality – i.e. workplace burnout correlates to a higher risk of all-cause death. (A 10-year study of participants age 45 and under, found that those who experienced burnout had up to 35% increased risk of all-cause mortality.)** 

We could “Eat Clean” and “Move Often”, but if we are constantly stressed to the max, where does that leave us? Left unchecked, that leaves us at risk for accelerated aging and a host of health concerns. 

So we must: “Breathe Deep”.

Breathe Deep. Easier said than done when you are in the heat of the moment. And sometimes life is straight-up awful. But for our “normal” everyday stressors: angry or difficult people, tense work situations, airport delays, lines, traffic, etc… These situations are all to be expected; and we must learn to adapt and survive them with as much grace and calm as possible. 

We learn first through awareness of our reactions, and then conscious adjustment of our reactions. Over, and over, and over again. 

Truth is, our work and other stressors will age us only to the extent that we allow them — to the extent we allow ourselves to become repetitively stressed, exhausted, and burnt out. 

I believe that to first breathe deep is not in our nature. It is a necessary survival skill we must cultivate. While we may occasionally regress, there will always be another opportunity to practice breathing deep again.. coming soon. 

And perhaps another chance to help keep our telomeres in tact, just a bit longer.  


For a quick primer on our shortlist for mental management and breathing deep, read here

Are YOU working to master this daily practice? What have you found most challenging or effective? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
*Ahola K, Sirén I, Kivimäki M, Ripatti S, Aromaa A, Lönnqvist J, et al. (2012) Work-Related Exhaustion and Telomere Length: A Population-Based Study. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40186.
**Ahola K., Väänänen A., Koskinen A., Kouvonen A., Shirom A. (2010). Burnout as a predictor of all-cause mortality among industrial employees: a 10-year prospective register-linkage study. J. Psychosom. Res. 69 51–57. 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2010.01.002

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Eat Clean + Breathe Deep + Move Often = Never Settle™

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