Breathe Deep: A Sound Mind for Keep

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Welcome to post two of a four-part deep dive into the Healthy Anywhere mantra: Eat Clean + Breathe Deep + Move Often = Never Settle™.  
On the road, we are subject to so many whims, at times cast about like a ship on turbulent seas. Keeping a level-head and low pulse is imperative, but finding peace of mind amidst the chaos that is business travel can be daunting!
Below is our shortlist to help maintain mental tranquility – or as close to tranquil as possible – on the road or on the go. 
1. Reduce Decisions. Save precious brain space for the important strategic items each day. Set yourself up to not think about what to wear, what to eat, when to do x,y,z. 
2. Get Outside. Preferably in the Sun. Enjoy nature somehow, if only in passing (i.e. walking!), every day. 
3. Cultivate self awareness of your reactions. Awareness is always the first step. If you can observe yourself react, then you can pause and choose your next thought, speech or move. Carefully consider what you personally can change in the situation – at times, your reaction is all you can change. Though challenging at first, this becomes a learned skill over time, with continued practice. 
4. Connect to Purpose. Contribute to something larger than yourself. Know why what you are doing matters and how you matter.  
5. Pause/Pray/Meditate. This is not “woo woo”. Science has shown that meditation improves biomarkers and state of mind. A must-experience for travelers. If you don’t already have a practice, start any time during the day with this: Take a few deep, slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth (slowly count in 4-6 breaths and out at same pace if that helps). Pause and consider what brings you joy. Feel thankful for these people, experiences, etc. Randomly bless and wish good for people you encounter each day, and for your friends and family. 
6. Be Present Really focus on NOW and try to ignore the million other things that want to invade your thoughts. Multi-tasking and multi-thinking is maddening. Keep a written or electronic notebook handy to capture critical to-dos so you can focus on the meeting, task, or person at hand. 
And of course, take time to exercise and sleep, these are paramount for health!
Prioritize mental self-care to enable peak performance for years to come. 

Healthy Anywhere helps executive travelers enjoy delicious, organic foods, and stay healthy, anywhere in the U.S. Our services include: travel nutrition and meal planning, food delivery, fitness support, and accountability. If you or someone you know would appreciate this level of support, get in touch to work with us.

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Eat Clean + Breathe Deep + Move Often = Never Settle™

2 thoughts on “Breathe Deep: A Sound Mind for Keep

  1. Pingback: Is your work prematurely aging you… or worse? - Healthy Anywhere

  2. Pingback: 6 ways to build resilience for facing tough times - Healthy Anywhere

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