Holiday Etiquette: Eating Clean in the Jungle

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Perhaps you are going to a relative’s house where the factory-raised turkey is coated in margarine, with sides of canned cranberry sauce* and marshmallow fruit salad.. (If this is you, please stop!)
We’ve all been there – and we’ve got your back.
First of all, be thankful, kind and non-judgmental. Once you are past that, you have options: 1) Offer to bring food — or don’t ask… just bring food! Pre-order, purchase, or make it yourself. 2) Eat beforehand. 3) a mixture of both 1 & 2.
In either event, eating healthy beforehand is prudent to ensure you avoid indulging in the filler appetizer food or leftover halloween candy while you await the main meal. 
Now, if you are close with the host, you might be able to humbly offer your ideas, your help, and/or your wallet in making dinner a bit healthier. E.g. buy a sustainably-raised bird, swap the margarine for real grass-fed organic butter, or use fresh cranberries instead of the can. This move is at your discretion, as it can be sensitive. (personally, I’ve had several successes here)
Remember you can outsource nearly anything. Don’t feel obligated to slave away in the kitchen all day when you can otherwise order pre-cooked or partially cooked organic, healthy meals.
How have you navigated holiday meals? We’d love to hear from you.
*Why we don’t like these ingredients: 1) Many conventional birds never experience the outdoors, are grown in unnatural, wretched conditions, and are given unnatural feed with additives to speed their growth. 2) Despite efforts to make it ‘healthier’, margarine still contains likely-genetically-modified ingredients: soybean, rapeseed, corn & cottonseed oils, etc. It is highly processed and higher in Omega-6 fatty acids. 3) The canned cranberry sauce is also processed and may include genetically modified corn syrup &/or high-fructose corn syrup. The few extra minutes it takes to combine fresh cranberries and a few other ingredients is well worth the delicious result. 

Healthy Anywhere helps executive travelers enjoy delicious, organic foods, and stay healthy, anywhere in the U.S. Our services include: travel nutrition and meal planning, food delivery, fitness support, and accountability. If you or someone you know would appreciate this level of support, get in touch to work with us.

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