Healthy, When you need it the most

When you are stressed, please don’t go into ‘garbage mode’.
A CEO quipped to me how the stress of business travel compels bad eating habits: “I just grab whatever is in front of me and end up eating garbage”.
This sentiment and reality is all too common. I’ve heard countless stories of feeling stuck, with little control over food on the road, or simply no time to think about it. However, when our bodies are stressed – whether from lack of sleep, high stakes situations, travel, physical exertion, etc – it is precisely then that we need to be healthy and extra kind to our bodies. It is precisely then that we need it the most.
We all know the feeling: Amidst 14+ hour workdays or a long week on the road, the readily available processed foods and comfort foods are tempting. “I’ve got no choice” we may say, running from meeting to meeting or through the airport. Of the comfort food, we might even think: “I’ve earned it”. But for a moment, consider the logic: we’re effectively saying, “I’ve been crazy productive this week and despite my body taking a beating, I will now punish myself even more with unhealthy food…” 

Heightened self care helps prevent the illness that is otherwise near inevitable. Over time I learned to stay in top form by shifting the inner dialog to: “wow I’ve been tough on my body and need to take extra care now to nourish myself.” For each trip, I learned to seek the best, healthiest food while minding alcohol intake, sleep, and exercise. It never fails that when I revert to old habits and throw caution to the wind, I soon feel run down, often with a scratchy throat and sniffles. 

Nutrient-dense, whole foods help provide essential vitamins and minerals to fuel performance. These ‘real foods’ can be identified by looking for the label. If there is a label (an absence is preferable), be sure to know the listed ingredients. And while we may feel like a superhero during a tough week, this is no time to throw ourselves into a long, intense workout. A brisk walk can work wonders. 
Yes, I am asking you to be healthy when you are stressed, because that’s exactly when you need it the most. When in doubt, remember our mantra: Eat Clean + Breathe Deep + Move Often + Never Settle™

Healthy Anywhere helps executive travelers enjoy delicious, organic foods, and stay healthy, anywhere in the U.S. Our services include: travel nutrition and meal planning, food delivery, fitness support, and accountability. If you or someone you know would appreciate this level of support, get in touch to work with us.

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