Why I Quit Superfoods and Supplements: A Personal Story of Health and Balance

by Healthy Anywhere Founder & Chief Enthusiast, Leigh Balkom

When Immune-Boosting Supplements Backfire: My Journey Through Autoimmunity and Back

In 2018, I quit my corporate job, full of excitement and vision to launch Healthy Anywhere. I was on a mission to conquer the world and bring my vision of accessible healthy eating and living to life.

But as I dove headfirst into the wild adventure of entrepreneurship, I quickly realized I wasn’t immune to the stress and exhaustion that come with building something from the ground up.

To defy the odds and work superhuman hours, I turned to the world of high-performance supplements and so-called superfoods. I’d seen athletes, influencers, and wellness gurus swear by these products—spirulina, adaptogens, mushroom coffee, and collagen supplements—so naturally, I figured I’d give it a go. After all, if it worked for them, it should work for me, right?

The Beginning of the Health Crisis

Fast forward to the beginning of 2019. I’d spent months pushing my body to the limit —90-hour workweeks, and even a few 30-hour workdays to fulfill customer deliveries.

To fuel my ambition, I started each day with high-potency spirulina mixed into my oatmeal. I regularly consumed adaptogens like cordyceps, chaga and lion’s mane mushroom coffee, collagen powder, and the occasional dose of echinacea to keep my immune system going strong.

My daily spirulina oatmeal from 2018, topped with ground flax. It tasted just about how it looked! NOT delicious.

Then, one morning, it all came crashing down.

I woke up feeling like I’d been hit by a train. Despite a full night’s sleep, I was utterly exhausted and could barely move. It felt like something was physically holding me down.

My limbs were heavy, my hands were swollen, and I had a low-grade fever that wouldn’t go away. Every morning, it took hours to pull myself out of bed and clear the fog from my head. The strange buzzing in my ears, which I can only describe as the sound of cicadas, made it hard to think straight.

My will to work was there, but my body refused to comply. This ‘rebellion’ persisted in earnest for two weeks. 

A Wake-Up Call From My Body

After finally getting in to the doctor, blood tests were run, and I was referred to a specialist—a rheumatologist. This was all new to me. Before long, I was navigating a frustrating maze of bloodwork, specialist visits, and endless tests. Words like “Rheumatoid Arthritis,” “Scleroderma,” “Sjogrens,” and “Lupus” were being thrown around, but none of them perfectly fit the mix of symptoms and test results. Eventually, I was given a ‘working’ diagnosis: Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease—a catch-all for an autoimmune condition that didn’t fit neatly into a box.

“Of anyone, you can beat this,” I was told by one specialist who’d not seen anyone as dedicated to “healthy” as me.

While navigating this health crisis, I happened to be studying autoimmunity in holistic nutrition school. It was through independent research that I started to realize my error. My high-octane lifestyle combined with the use of immune-boosting superfoods and supplements—spirulina, echinacea, cordyceps, chaga—had likely overloaded my already sensitive immune system, pushing it into overdrive.

I learned about the risks of immune-stimulating substances for individuals with immune sensitivities and those predisposed to autoimmunity. (Autoimmunity runs in my family, and I had my share of immune dysfunction in childhood) 

Instead of supporting my health, these “miracle” supplements and superfoods had tipped the scales in the wrong direction.

The Long Road to Recovery

It’s been over five years since I crossed that brutal threshold, and I’ve been working to walk it back ever since. Living with an autoimmune condition requires a sort of relaxed, mindful vigilance. While I’ve learned to manage it, it’s a daily reminder of how delicate the balance of health really is.

Along this journey, I’ve re-learned the critical importance of the fundamentals: clean food, proper nutrition, regular sleep, and stress resilience. These core principles, although not flashy or trendy, are the real keys to living a healthy life.

I’ve since given up most supplements and high-potency superfoods. And the few supplements I do take – like Vitamin D3 – are closely monitored through annual blood tests. 

Even something as seemingly tame as turmeric caused liver concern after I took a “loading dose” in high-potency curcumin form(!) After I stopped this supplement, everything normalized. It was a clear sign to keep things simple and stick to real, whole foods.

Lessons Learned: Less Is More

My experience has reinforced the lesson that there are no shortcuts to health. You can’t supplement your way to wellness or “boost” your body into “superhuman” performance without facing consequences. It’s tempting to think that the latest supplement or superfood will give you an edge, but I learned the hard way that this path can be a risky one.

This is why we include warnings in the Healthy Anywhere app for ingredients like spirulina, chlorella, and echinacea — commonly found at Organic Juice Bars. While these ingredients may work for some, they can be harmful to those with immune sensitivities or autoimmune predispositions.

At Healthy Anywhere, we’re focused on helping you thrive by guiding you toward wholesome, real foods and simple, balanced living. No flashy trends or miracle cures—just proven, time-tested health strategies that work.

Moving Forward

Today, I’m living healthily, by the grace of God, and I’m sticking to the fundamentals.

The journey to health isn’t always glamorous, and it doesn’t come in a powder or pill. It comes from consistently making good choices every day, taking one step forward and then another – step by step – toward healthy living. 

The next time you feel the pull towards a big health trend, I encourage you to take a step back and ask  – Is this truly what my body needs, or is it just the allure of a quick fix? 

Don’t make the mistakes I made.

Trust me—less is more, and the fundamentals of healthy living won’t let you down.

Ready to Live a Balanced, Healthy Life? Get the #1 App to make Healthy Choices when Eating Out

If you’re looking for real, wholesome ways to support your health, the Healthy Anywhere app can help. Discover high-quality, nutrient-dense foods from the best healthy restaurants and cafes near you—no supplements required.

Download and activate the Healthy Anywhere app today and start feeling your best with tried-and-true healthy living.

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Organic green juice made with whole food
Organic Green Juice can be great - confirm spirulina is not included if you aren't sure.

Your mileage may vary

Of course, some will still swear by spirulina – and I’m a fan of not fixing things that aren’t broken… If it’s working for you, it’s working for you – just be mindful. 

Each of us has varying tolerance and margin of error — this is dynamic and may wax and wane based on stress resilience, mental state, and other factors.  

If you’re considering supplements or superfoods – I’d encourage discussing this with a qualified holistic health professional – ideally a functional medicine or integrative medicine doctor.  

Related Reading

Cover photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

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