Take the work out of eating well.
Our expert-curated collection of healthy places to eat is accessible via mobile app, so you can discover your best options for delicious, sustainable, and healthy food nearby. We feature all the details you care about – no more, no less.
Our vision is to grow to be your go-to wherever you may roam!

Conscious. Clean. Curated.
We’re guided by holistic nutrition principles and eco-conscious values.
Our holistic picture of health includes…

Healthy, sustainable, and delicious are not mutually exclusive.
We seek to celebrate and elevate good food.
Creating a way to eat healthy – busy schedule and all.
“Having dealt with lifelong inflammatory issues, I know all too well how crucial healthy, real food is for well-being – and how difficult it can be to find quality food on the go. The initial spark for Healthy Anywhere came after an especially challenging travel day as a consultant. After midnight, I found myself “hangry,” suitcase in hand and knee-deep in snow near downtown Philly. I’d avoided all airplane food and had been stuck on the tarmac for hours with unexpected delays. I was headed to an empty corporate apartment with no suitable food in sight.
Stymied, I vowed never again to be caught off guard. I started mapping out the best healthy food wherever I went – whether venturing across town or across the country – and established a system to not merely survive but to thrive. That system started as many hours over weekends and late nights, reading menus, websites, reviews, critics, blogs, and more.
That evolved into Healthy Anywhere! Our platform now analyzes restaurants and food sources to an incredible level of detail. We find the best options for you, so you can eat with integrity and save your brain for real decisions.”
— Leigh Balkom, Founder

Meet the woman behind the vision.

Leigh Balkom, Chief Enthusiast
The highlights…
- Roots in Healthcare + Technology: I spent the better part of 15 years in healthcare technology and consulting, often flying 100k+ miles per year. By necessity and desire, I developed a system to find the best healthy food anywhere!
- Lifelong health enthusiast: since early childhood, I’ve struggled with inflammation and immune system dysfunction. I’ve learned first-hand how healthy living – including anti-inflammatory real food – is non-negotiable.
- From Bama to the Bay Area: While originally from ‘Bama, the SF Bay Area has been home base since 2003. I arrived for a consulting project and instantly fell in love with the landscape, climate, culture, outdoor adventures, good food, and good wine (biodynamic, of course!).
- Certified Holistic Nutritionist: In 2020, I completed a 2+ year holistic nutrition certification with a focus on stress management and autoimmune disease. I’ve logged over 1,000 hours of related research and remain a curious learner.
Plus a few fun facts…
- Coded first program in 7th grade using DOS (yes, the dark ages). It ran a loop of graphics and music, featuring Mozart’s Rondo Alla Turca.
- Appeared on several episodes of a PBS cooking show.
- Former vocalist for a San Francisco jazz band – played a few weddings, events and had a run at a SOMA brewery.
- Feel most fully alive during and after an intense workout – ideally cycling or running hills.

Where to find me / how to connect

Most days, if I’m not working, I’m resting or getting some exercise.
The best way to connect is to join our Community. I send weekly updates and new original content to our community members, most of the time by Friday morning.
Our community members are always first-to-know and get dibs before anyone else!
As of Spring 2023, I’ve been cranking up our public YouTube channel, which previously contained only unlisted videos for our community.
We’re also on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn… If you’re into these, do connect!
If you want to stay posted or have a question for me, it’s best to hop on email and reply to one of the weekly updates. I personally read and reply to each one.
Stay posted on the latest + vote for where you want app coverage
Include your home & travel cities if you want app coverage for these locations.
Made with ❤️ in Berkeley & Ukraine 🇺🇦
Our small but mighty Engineering team is largely based out of Ukraine. And yes, they’ve been displaced from their homes in Kharkiv 3+ times as of March 2023. But – they love working on this meaningful project and can’t wait for you to see what we’ve built.